Blog Rules
1. Our website is dedicated to fashion, so all the pictures should be close to the website’s subject. E.g. you post some wedding photos, but a moderator deems them as an inappropriate one’s.
Result: your post will be deleted.
2. No "home" pictures, no pictures against a carpet and no "I’m waiting for proposals" signatures.
3. Please, don’t post the same message for a few times (same regarding the pictures).
4. Empty messages which are made up only of pictures will also be deleted.
5. No more than 2 posts in a row from one user, in order not to "plug" the first page.
6. No external links, the only thing you can do is advertising your sites.
7. Flooding, offensive language, open advertising and non-thematic posting (with rare exceptions) are deleted.
Everything that is not prohibited with these rules is allowed.